As lock down gripped us back in March I was furloughed from work which turned out to be a blessing, and a curse. A blessing as it gave me time to write and a curse because, other than the financial restraints, I couldn't get a planned read through completed on the pilot of Oddlings.
Still, it gave me a new focus and I started on a new script called The Attic.
I'd written it as a piece for a local writing group, The Cedar Tree Writers, but it soon developed into a suitable piece for BBC Uploads. After asking my lovely friend and her family if they'd record a read through for me I uploaded it to BBC Radio Solent where it was aired on 16th September. My first ever 'published' piece!
I'd purposefully left it on a cliff hanger so that I could hopefully get another slot with the radio station but bloody Covid yet again loomed large and as of yet The Attic Part 2 is yet to be recorded and it too is on a cliffhanger, unintentionally this time!
If I can get over my technological deficiency then I'll upload the recording. The beauty of radio is the sound effects which were funny in themselves...'Man climbs ladder'...'Man opens attic hatch'
I think you get the picture. Cheesy but effective!
So Part 3 of The Attic is in the process of being written. I can't possibly end it!
10 creepy china dolls and a hand drawn map of Horton-on-the-Green.
What has been going on in The Attic?
Saving the Day came about because of Covid. Sam and his wife had just had a baby so he had his hands full. Wanting to keep momentum going with His Masters Farce, Debs and I looked at news worthy stories we could use to put a quick interim script together that was suitable for radio.
Having seen the constant rule changes made to weddings and the covid restrictions that had to be met, (I'm surprised anyone wanted to get married in 2020! Although the cost saving aspect certainly had its appeal!) We went with this theme and worked out what elements we wanted in the script and the impacts of what was happening in the real world that we could exaggerate. We decided to write from the perspective of the mothers of the bride and groom who would try to salvage a wedding that had been planned for 120, been reduced to 30 and find out via the evening news that now wedding attendees could total no more than 15.
Other than a response piece, we wrote back in the summer, this is the first script I've written with Debs and I have to say I really enjoyed the process! We knew we needed to have a quick turn around, as talk loomed of a second lockdown, along with the possibility of having no weddings taking place. Because the government had already reduced the number of attendees from 30 to 15 we used that as the driving factor for the theme of the script.
Luckily after using the BBC Uploads platform, BBC Radio Solent aired Saving the Day on 5th November. The only thing is Debs and I had to 'act' it out and I'm sure she won't mind me saying this...acting isn't our thing...and you could tell it a mile off! Never mind in times of Covid you seem to be able to get away with most things! I mean they filmed Have I Got News For You via video chat!
All in all, with not being able to get out and film, radio has been a friend for us writers and particularly the BBC Upload service.
It's November! That must mean only one thing! National Novel Writing Month, 50,000 words in 30 days.
Now I'm not going to lie. I usually use NaNoWriMo to get stuff typed up. Ok, so I realise that this is a bit of a cheat, but it still focuses the mind and allows me to do some extra editing. (I don't write my scripts in this way I treat them differently, like a small child!)
In the past I've managed to complete the target word count typing up Conversations Home, a piece based on the telephone conversations between a mother and her son who had joined the Army, and also A Year of Grief on the Stour, (not my most humorous piece, granted). Both exceeded 50,000 words being more in the region of 120,000!
This year I'm using NaNoWriMo to get the Dorset History Centre Project typed up, (see below), mainly because the exercise books I've written in have lots of sketches not to mention the hours of hand written pencil work! I've become attached to them and so by getting them onto the computer and uploaded to the word count I'll be able to forward this document and keep the books myself. Also it'll allow me to include the many digital photo's and documents I've referred to in the Diaries. It is dedication mind, especially holding down a full time job!
If ever you get the chance to enter the den of NaNoWriMo, do it, it's good for the discipline, however there's no substitute to writing everyday, whatever the month may be, it's just you don't get a certificate for hitting the target in the other months!
UPDATE: With everything in life, things often interrupt your plans. In my case something amazing happened that meant I didn't quite hit the 50,000 word target on the 30th November.
I'm not down about it, I hit 50,000 words on the 3rd December. Whats a few days between a word count!
Sometimes in life you have to look outside what you're doing to see if what you're doing is right.
Having finished my pilot script for Oddlings I needed to see if it was truly finished so set about finding someone in the know, who I could trust with my work.
Thankfully I found Dec Munro, an expert Edinburgh award-winning director and producer of comedy.
Dec offers a service called The Outside Eye.
I can not tell you how valuable this service was for me! Dec looked over the script and gave constructive sound advice but more than that he built my confidence up as a writer. Honest and direct he was able to see the potential humour where opportunities had been missed within the script.
Having worked with the likes of Angela Barnes, Mawaan Rizwan and Ellie Taylor I knew that Dec was well respected in his field and I was in good hands.
So what is The Outside Eye?
Basically in a nutshell you discuss with Dec the writing project that you are working on, whether that be a finished script, something in development, stand-up routine or material for a touring show. He will then go through that work, arranging with you a meeting to give feedback following up with what he affectionately describes as 'the shit sandwich' (love it!), something good, something not so good and finishing with something great. Now, who doesn't want a sandwich like that! But mostly its about having that professional eye, a compass if you will, to guide you to the best possible piece of work!
If you want further information on The Outside Eye check out Dec's website or click on his picture!
In November of 2019 fate played a hand in bringing together myself and fellow writers Debs J Roberts and Sam James. We'd all attended various sessions and talks laid on by the Blandford Literary Festival that culminated in a two hour script writing session led by Darren Wells. I happened to sit between the two of them. We didn't know it then but we would go on to become good friends.
At the end of Darren's session he mentioned that he would be starting an eight week script writing course in the new year if anyone was interested. I knew then that I would take up this opportunity and it fell in with my ideal of 2020 being a fresh start after the mostly disastrous 2019 I'd had! I'd finally get Oddlings out of my head and formatted properly!
The course started in February, I had no idea who would be on it, so was pleasantly surprised when Debs J Roberts and Sam James turned up. It was an informal affair with one other writer Margaret who had kindly offered her house as the venue. It was a little surreal at first especially as Margaret had an elderly rescue dog named Gary who each week had a different ailment that usually resulted in the wearing of a cone of shame. (He actually ended up being our writing group mascot and logo - including the cone!)
As the weeks went on the sessions got a bit weird but the three of us realised we had much in common most importantly we were all working on sitcoms on varying themes.
About this time Covid was starting to gain momentum and our last session together was held in a pub just before the announcement that lockdown would be coming into force. That session saw just myself, Sam and Darren turn up. I think I realised then that I wouldn't be continuing with Darren any further than the allotted eight weeks. I didn't know it then but the others felt the same. We'd agreed to have the eighth session on a Skype call, and this is where His Master's Farce was born.
Not really knowing enough but having gleaned some knowledge on script writing the three of us embarked on what would become a regular weekly Skype meeting, due to Covid, where we would go through any edits we'd done to our scripts and also to set ourselves side writing projects that we hoped to record and upload onto a You Tube channel. (To date this hasn't been possible but is in the pipeline for the future).
Most importantly though I hold onto the fact that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. I'd like to think it's the latter in the case of Debs J Roberts and Sam James. They are motivation personified and after a chat with them I'm always left feeling enthusiastic and upbeat!
Always keep an eye out for people who come into your life!
His Master's Farce upcoming projects:
I'm so chuffed that a short piece originally written for The Cedar Tree Writers was aired today via BBC Uploads.
Throughout this challenging year the Upload service has been a lifeline to enable writers, in particular up and coming writers like myself, to be able to have an avenue in which to get work out there.
The piece, entitled The Christmas Eve Visitor, was a little bit of silliness aimed at the radio day time slots. A cold and harassed snowman decides to take refuge in a nearby house causing concern to the homeowner who has only just lit the log fire! Being themed it makes it hard to ignore!
Having taken a writing for radio course in the Summer, I've found this year my writing has shifted more to this media and I'm mindful of the possibilities and varied audience radio can bring. Up until 2020 everything I'd written was squarely aimed at the visual market so it has been a fantastic process to think and write differently!
It's clearly working, as to date I've had several scripts aired through BBC Uploads. However, it would be good to see my work on the small screen and I don't think I will ever be able to give up on the Oddlings!
If you fancy a listen it's available for a limited time, just click the I'm getting featured on BBC Upload picture!
Incredibly proud to announce that Attic has been chosen to be part of the Short Form Scratch Night!
Norwich based Reflex Theatre are bringing their successful Scratch Night format to the Living Record Festival! After the success of their online Summer of Scratch, they are bringing the best of brand new theatre from around the globe to the comfort of your own home!
Their brilliant performers will improvise between the first and last pages from my script Attic and I can't wait to see the outcome!
Callan Durrant, Artistic Director, Reflex Theatre commented:
"We absolutely love your work and we are happy to say that we have selected your piece to be performed."
For those of you who want to know a bit more about Attic here's a very small teaser!
"10 creepy china dolls and a hand drawn map of Horton-on-the-Green, what has been going on in the Attic!"
The performance will run from 16th through to the 22nd February!
One of my short scripts has been aired on BBC Radio Solent.
A Signal To Love introduces us to Gareth and Freya who are attempting to get the beginnings of a relationship off the ground in the midst of several lockdowns. Living two Counties apart meeting up isn't an option!
Undeterred they decide to court via the internet and start Digital Date Night!
Not being technically minded they find their lack of knowledge coupled with the intermittent internet signal hamper any attempt to hold a conversation let alone a relationship! Armed with snacks, wine and dressed in their best for the evening, is Digital Date Night the success that they'd hoped for or will South West Broadband throw a spanner in the works!
Click on the Upload logo to find out!
Another short piece written last year for the Cedar Tree Writers and adapted for radio, went out on BBC Radio Solent today on the Pat Sissons show.
I've been lucky enough to have had my work given air time since I started using the BBC Upload service. During the last year, not having access to actors I've in the most part asked friends to read and record my work, however this piece, April, I read myself with the help of Al Cole reading the part of April's dad.
April is about a young lady who is on a mission to find her perfect wedding dress however on the journey into town her dad drops a bombshell and it's all to do with her upcoming name change!
He isn't happy but neither is April. Today of all days, her dad's timing is as impeccable as ever!
For the next 30 days you can listen to April on BBC Sounds or click on the red Upload picture!
Always up for a challenge I've embarked on Loud Voices Silent Streets 28 Days of Stories.
Every day at 9am they send through a prompt and I have until midnight to send back something I've written within the theme of the prompt.
It's only 28 days? I can spare the time right?
When life changes so drastically you tend to hunker down and forget about all the things that make you happy. Writing makes me happy and although I was writing, I knew what I was writing would never see the light of day as it was just so personal to me.
I hadn't touched my sitcom Oddlings in all of that year and that made me unhappy.
Every time I picked up my book to write it was like the characters would sit up and say "quick she's coming...get ready!" Only to be disappointed again when I didn't even bother to open the book up. If you've ever seen the Labyrinth with David Bowie there's a bit where the puppets are waiting for the girl to say the magic words, but she doesn't say them right and they get cross, I imagine my characters being like that!
Anyhow after a year I knew I needed to give myself a bit of a talking to and I made a pact that the next year would be the year I got back into proper writing and I would find a writing group to join now that my life was ensconced in Dorset.
I'm so pleased that I found The Cedar Tree Writers!
I'd never been part of a writing group before, I'd been in a book club once and I have to say I didn't even last one book, hideous experience! But once I walked through the doors of The Cedar Tree, it felt like home. Fin, who organises the evenings, is lovely. She welcomes you in such a way that you know you have entered a space that is safe and enjoyable.
Harsh critiques are not the name of the game within the group. Just a peaceful place to listen to others read some of their work, and to produce new pieces of your own with inspired themes. It was just what I was looking for to ease me back into writing.
Through Fin, as one of the organisers of The Blandford Literary Festival, I met Sam James and Debs J Roberts, at a script writing workshop. We set up His Master's Farce the next year. Since joining The Cedar Tree Writers I have regained my mojo and in the last two years I have never written so much in my life! Sometimes you just have to find the right tribe. I'm lucky, I feel like I've found mine and surrounding yourself with like minded people can only produce good stuff!
I am completely chuffed to have received the news that I was to be Patreon of the month for Funny Women. below is taken from their website. If you are a woman in comedy definitely check them out!
Nat is on the Humorous Tier and is modelling her free Funny Women t-shirt. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
She came to the Funny Women table only recently, in the run up to the Funny Women Awards this year. Having had short scripts aired on BBC local radio she was looking for her next script submission opportunity when she came across the Funny Women webpage.
Nat says "I couldn't believe how much support there was along with the encouragement to attend the many sessions, run by the Funny Women team prior to the awards. It opened my eyes to how many Funny women there are, who are consistently honing their craft, sharing ideas and meeting via Zoom to listen intently to the advice being given by those in the know.
I felt like I had finally found the like minded individuals I'd been searching for! It was an instant decision to become a Funny Women Patreon Member, and I'm so pleased that I did!
I chose the Humorous Tier which enabled me to receive the coveted Funny Women t-Shirt, (and obviously all the other great incentives). But more than that I wanted to continue to be part of this community. Writing sitcoms and short plays I have only just started, over the last couple of years, to have the confidence to share my work. I've been writing since I was eight, so 42 years later, I actually tell people that I write. I am a writer. I write scripts. I am also a Funny Woman who is able to say that they are part of a community of Funny Women.
Thank you for the encouragement! here's to next year's Awards and to all the opportunities in between!"
Well this has turned into a Bible length book! (Times three!)
Who would have known that when I agreed to start a corona diary as part of the Dorset History Centre Project I'd be still doing it eight months later with no sign of an end!
Still on the plus side it does fit with my ethos of writing everyday. Keeping up with the daily death toll and news headlines though, there's dedication!
I'm not a big fan of watching the news I tend to just pick up the news headlines on the radio. I've made a rule not to let the news into the main body of writing but keeping it tucked away in the margins, this way I can keep my world away from the rest of whats going on!
As part of NaNoWriMo, (National Novel Writing Month), i have started to type up the diary. This has been a really interesting thing to do. One thing I realise is how time can warp your thinking. I can't believe that what I've written was this year! It feels like it was eons ago! Writing about how government scientists think we've reached the April! And OMG Corona Virus has killed 1000 people. How little we knew then! And I'm sure, if I'm still writing the diary in 2021 I'll look back with smugness at what little I know now!
If you're interested, I've copied a snippet of the ramblings that I write about on a daily basis down below:
Saturday 11th April
Where Does It All Come From?
How can one person accumulate so much stuff? But not just any stuff, craft stuff. It's actually not surprising that I'm not very good at any one thing. I must have invested in every craft known to crafters. Some items haven't even been attempted, such as lino printing, macrame and a dream catcher kit that looks so incredibly difficult it would probably induce nightmares.
I've filled two bin bags full of craft magazines, empty boxes and half used sketch pads. All recyclable or burnable. Rest assured I have given myself a stern talking to and have decided that as soon as this lockdown is lifted I will donate some 'craft' to a local care home for their activities, in particular the 163 assorted balls of wool, because I clearly intended to knit a hat for the entire population of the British Isles!
I did have the option to hand the work to The Dorset History Centre in September. I'm glad I didn't especially with the second lockdown in progress.
UPDATE: Now on the third lockdown and with daily death tolls higher than last summer, this diary feels like it might never end!
UPDATE: Restrictions lifted on July 19th 2021 and here am still writing!
UPDATED UPDATE: I stopped writing the corona diary on 31st August 2021. Finally!
Completed a Film and Editing course!
I know it won't win anything at Cannes but hey, I did it!
If you really want to see the final cut, (and I mean if you really need to see the final cut), click on the Audio and Video tab!
Really pleased to be featuring on the upcoming networking event with 128K Studios, the producers of the sitcom
The producers commented: "We're keen to connect with people who want to build their experience and make funny stuff together. We want these sessions to be a great opportunity for emerging comedy creators to swap ideas and spot people they'd like to work with. And we may pick up some ideas or concepts that we want to develop ourselves."
I'll be pitching Oddlings!
For more information on this and further networking events have a look at the British Comedy Guide web page.
I was really pleased to be asked to be part of the voting panel for the first round of judging for this years New Voice Awards!
New Voice Awards are a celebration of emerging creatives, and the companies who support them.
The submission window ended on the 18th January and I have just finished looking through entries for the Best Social Series category. Wow! So much online talent out there!
Some took me completely by surprise. Subjects that I previously thought wouldn't interest me, suddenly interested me!
Look out for the winners at the awards ceremony taking place in London this March.
It's that time again!
The British Comedy Guide Conference is a day to meet up with fellow comedy writers, performers, content creators, movers and shakers. It takes place in London on Saturday 16th March 2024.
I'm going, are you?
After attending last years Bournemouth Writing Festival I'm proud to say that this year I'm a volunteer! The event has so many free and ticketed sessions with talks and workshops from authors, scriptwriters, poets, and agents, along with plenty of networking opportunities.
Why not take a look at their event programme and find inspiration and like minded individuals to connect with.
UPDATE: Another year completed at The Bournemouth Writing Festival Click on the image to take you to Aprils blog post.
Dorchester's first Comedy Festival is coming to High East and West Street on 13th July. Get ready for a weekend filled with laughter, fun, and unforgettable performances. Whether you're a fan of stand-up, improvisation, or fancy a workshop, they have something special in store for you.
For more information visit their website:
Not long to wait for the Blandford Literary Festival!
Three days of Authors, Speakers and Workshops.
There's something for everyone!
Click the 'find out button' below!
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